
Situational Ethics Anyone?

I received a note from a  colleague the other day. Sean Davey was asking me to weigh in on a photographer’s forum in Oz called Photographers United. The subject was poaching, which is shooting another photographer’s subjects while they are in the midst of building  images mid shoot. I had a bit to say, and Sean had gotten me thinking about a few things in an exchange of e mails. I have an abiding respect and admiration for some of my colleagues. They understand the bar of ethics involved in building a career and interestingly enough, it is their work

The Bodner

Ever have one of those friends who is just, well, there when  you are together? They are always so present in the moment, that they perpetually gloss over tidbits you would really appreciate knowing about them. Everyone enjoys bragging on their pals and assorted loved ones.  Some people truly are ignorant of their own genius and opt to not give us the chance.  Their vocation is just what they are, so what could the big deal possibly be? A year ago I met Jessica Bodner and her boyfriend, Robert Catalusci. They had recently relocated from San Francisco to Ventura. Two

Metaphysical Momentum: Water Carriers

Ventura has been in the throes of an art boom the past few years. I have watched amusedly as a diverse group of people have been drawn to our little berg from far flung corners of the earth and served as cultural and intellectual fodder for a renaissance of sorts. Creative seedlings they all are,  putting down root, bearing fruit that the town will benefit from. No where has this been more obvious to me than in the recent Ventura Film Fest event where during a period of four days, film makers, artists and musicians mingled with a diverse cross


Situational Ethics Anyone?

I received a note from a  colleague the other day. Sean Davey was asking me to weigh in on a photographer’s forum in Oz called Photographers United. The subject was poaching, which is shooting another photographer’s subjects while they are

The Bodner

Ever have one of those friends who is just, well, there when  you are together? They are always so present in the moment, that they perpetually gloss over tidbits you would really appreciate knowing about them. Everyone enjoys bragging on

Metaphysical Momentum: Water Carriers

Ventura has been in the throes of an art boom the past few years. I have watched amusedly as a diverse group of people have been drawn to our little berg from far flung corners of the earth and served