
Heart Surgery

“Where your heart is, there you will find your treasure.” The above is a Bible verse. Typically when one quotes these it is obligatory among theologians to cite the chapter and verse (location) so that people can look the lines up and read them in the larger context of the text. I am not doing that here. I will leave it to those who read this, to sort out the reason for that. I typically have reasons for most of what I do in my work and life. Most of us probably do. This is where the location of our

On Beauty

I have a lot to say regarding Beauty and how it affects the Consciousness of our World. But rather than write on it and endeavor to go into the Science of the affects of Beauty, I am just going to share beauty with you as I have experienced it this week. Here is a prescient piece of Music set to remarkable Cinematography. Nahko Bear’s “Aloha Ke Akua”. People are amazing. In a culture that tends to dry humanity out, Beauty waters us. When we invest in that, what we are doing is improving our lot as a species. Why Beauty:

Red White and You

Amongst my friends and colleagues, who I see as being people of sound, educated mind, and of exceptional intelligence and compassion, I have observed something. They appear to be stuck. Why is it, that some people prefer to confer the authority and tenets of Leadership, on Politicians? The reason I find this perplexing is due to a recurrent result that is obvious. By repetitively supporting a Red or Blue, Left and Right divisive philosophy, they have jettisoned their own power as individuals, who are for the most part,  in possession of  greater intelligence and connectedness,  than those leading the factions.

Digging for Gems

  In my work, much of what I do is frequently not readily apparent. After a recent summit meeting which I got to attend, that was held at Google, I was approached as we all got ready to leave, by a woman who represents a powerful, vital force for the Oceans. I had found myself smiling a lot, when hearing her speak. (Same Tribe apparently) A lot of resonance existed in our observations, regarding solutions to some of the Global issues which the Summit participants examined. “C” came up to me, and with a  smile, asked: “So David, what exactly

Pursuing Happy

One of the things that always strikes me about Bali and the Balinese is the degree of happiness which exists. Some may say that being happy is a choice. Well it is, sort of. But not the type of selection one may suspect. Happiness is in the choices open to you as an individual and member of a Community, and in the case of a Citizen of the US, the pursuit of it, is a National Guarantee. Here is a fantastic read on Happiness, by Dr William B Stewart. Take close note of what he says about the US Bill

ID Please

In marketing, one of the principal rules, is to identify the product in the eyes of the market. I am often introduced as a surf photographer. It is not that I eschew the title, which truly makes me die inside at the proffering of that description.  Someone inevitably must endeavor to communicate what indeed it is, that one shoots. I do shoot surfing. I love the ocean. Surfing professionally was something that I was proud to have done for a substantial portion of my life, as it kept me IN the sea daily. But that is not what I am.


Heart Surgery

“Where your heart is, there you will find your treasure.” The above is a Bible verse. Typically when one quotes these it is obligatory among theologians to cite the chapter and verse (location) so that people can look the lines

On Beauty

I have a lot to say regarding Beauty and how it affects the Consciousness of our World. But rather than write on it and endeavor to go into the Science of the affects of Beauty, I am just going to

Red White and You

Amongst my friends and colleagues, who I see as being people of sound, educated mind, and of exceptional intelligence and compassion, I have observed something. They appear to be stuck. Why is it, that some people prefer to confer the

Digging for Gems

  In my work, much of what I do is frequently not readily apparent. After a recent summit meeting which I got to attend, that was held at Google, I was approached as we all got ready to leave, by

Pursuing Happy

One of the things that always strikes me about Bali and the Balinese is the degree of happiness which exists. Some may say that being happy is a choice. Well it is, sort of. But not the type of selection

ID Please

In marketing, one of the principal rules, is to identify the product in the eyes of the market. I am often introduced as a surf photographer. It is not that I eschew the title, which truly makes me die inside