

Ours is a watery world. Immersed from the point of our conception, we have an affinity for water. So it comes as no real surprise that many of my closest friends and colleagues are fans of my work, and in turn me of their vision and passion. Greg Huglin, Dick Hoole,  Falzon, Davey, Aichner, Havassy, Croci, Koniakowski, Bruce Brown, etc. The list is long of those men whose work fuels my own desire to produce. I met Jack McCoy one evening as I was walking down the beach on the South Shore of Oahu. I was hand holding a little


I  know who I am. So I recognize those traits that resemble mine, in my colleagues and friends. This creates a deep affinity with those people who I repeatedly refer to as Savants. Check the definition below. savant |saˈvänt; sə-| noun a learned person, esp. a distinguished scientist. See also idiot savant . ORIGIN early 18th cent.: French, literally ‘knowing (person),’ present participle (used as a noun) of savoir. I was pleased and honored when one of those, a certain Sean Davey, showed up at my door in Ventura, California. Sean is a Tasmanian born, Hawaii ensconsed photographer whose work

Fifty Waves to Leave Your Lover For

I live in a place many consider to be California’s Gold Coast. The term conjures up images of glassy warm Winter days, and crisp blue green lines which  swell and pitch into morning light, flashing golden with a brilliance that is breathtaking and addicting as it sets an emotional hook in one’s soul. Dolphins reflecting dawn on glistening lean muscular bodies are syncopating rhythmic reflections which dart into the pull of northwest groundswells and burst into amber flecked projectiles as energy and joy erupt in the life pulse of a distant storm,  that ebbs on the shores of this place.



Ours is a watery world. Immersed from the point of our conception, we have an affinity for water. So it comes as no real surprise that many of my closest friends and colleagues are fans of my work, and in


I  know who I am. So I recognize those traits that resemble mine, in my colleagues and friends. This creates a deep affinity with those people who I repeatedly refer to as Savants. Check the definition below. savant |saˈvänt; sə-|

Fifty Waves to Leave Your Lover For

I live in a place many consider to be California’s Gold Coast. The term conjures up images of glassy warm Winter days, and crisp blue green lines which  swell and pitch into morning light, flashing golden with a brilliance that