
Ode to Resolution

My wife slipped into my office this morning as I was experiencing this piece. She said what I was thinking: “That is the soundtrack to Fukushima.” Here is a remarkable performance of The Dark Knight – Hans Zimmer /James Newton Howard -LIVE by the Bucharest Symphony Orchestra and Choir, a part of the Masterpiece show. I would like to re-name it though:  “Dark Night, An Ode to Resolution”. As is rarely so obvious a circumstance, we have a fantastic opportunity to evolve as a species as a result of what has gone on unabated for almost three years now at

The Fukushima Recovery

We truly have eaten of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil with this massive scale disaster in Japan. Within a short period of time after the initial earthquake, many of my associates were involved in study and examination of just what created, potentially the largest environmental disaster we will ever see. What was studied out is now finally able to be written on. I wrote on that today in Beyond a Blog, one of our educational resources for the Ocean Lovers Collective. You can (and should) read about that right here, in “Responsibility: A Glance at a Solution” 

For God and Ocean: A National Prerogative.

In watching the Platform Horizon Wellhead Blowout event, and our Organizational response to it, I was at once impressed and appalled by the dual scopes illustrated. At the time, and to this day, I see the event as a diatribe against an innate inefficiency and possibly abject failure of our Philosophy of Regulatory Control, where we politicize and adversarilize items of great National and Environmental interest, and thereby ask and answer the wrong questions. In effect, we are endeavoring to solve problems using the same line of reasoning and thought, which created those problems. I could illustrate it in great


Ode to Resolution

My wife slipped into my office this morning as I was experiencing this piece. She said what I was thinking: “That is the soundtrack to Fukushima.” Here is a remarkable performance of The Dark Knight – Hans Zimmer /James Newton

The Fukushima Recovery

We truly have eaten of the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil with this massive scale disaster in Japan. Within a short period of time after the initial earthquake, many of my associates were involved in study and examination

For God and Ocean: A National Prerogative.

In watching the Platform Horizon Wellhead Blowout event, and our Organizational response to it, I was at once impressed and appalled by the dual scopes illustrated. At the time, and to this day, I see the event as a diatribe