
International Manifesto: A Child’s Game

Marin Havassy is the 6 YO daughter of two talented artists-creatives. Growing up in a world surrounded by art, nature, water, and an increasing immersion in Costa Rican culture, she emotionally and cognitively illustrates a point made to me by Jean-Michel Cousteau awhile ago: “If you want to change the world, begin with a conversation regarding the welfare of our children. Everyone cares about that. This is a conversation which I really want to have with the leaders of the world” This is a thread running through a dialog held in common we experienced, while visiting our ocean ohana this


  synergy |ˈsinərjē| (also synergism |-ˌjizəm|) noun the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects : the synergy between artist and record company.   Synergy should equal success. Success is relative, as well as transitory. Quite frequently we see illustrated in a very stark manner, that the end, well it really not only did not justify the means, but it may become a darker version of the original problem. Seth Godin writes accurately about how to develop a synergistic response here. Set

What Matters

Cost of Leadership. We matter. How we keep our heart, hold rein over our emotions, the manner in which one moves forward with the myriad number of little choices made in the course of  a day, adds up to the direction a life takes. Who we have around ourselves, who would follow us into a burning building if we asked, says everything about us. Seth Godin writes about loyalty today, in his blog. A few years back, as a hurricane destroyed the Gulf Coast, Shawn Alladio shared with me in intimate detail over the course of her ordeal, a series


International Manifesto: A Child’s Game

Marin Havassy is the 6 YO daughter of two talented artists-creatives. Growing up in a world surrounded by art, nature, water, and an increasing immersion in Costa Rican culture, she emotionally and cognitively illustrates a point made to me by


  synergy |ˈsinərjē| (also synergism |-ˌjizəm|) noun the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects : the synergy between artist and record

What Matters

Cost of Leadership. We matter. How we keep our heart, hold rein over our emotions, the manner in which one moves forward with the myriad number of little choices made in the course of  a day, adds up to the