
Art of the Scam

Twitter blocked this article on Masking (Pretty thorough Dr. Mercola article) And they pushed this outrageous action by Yelp: John Stossel nailed it here: What we are experiencing goes far deeper than George Orwell or Aldous Huxley ever could have imagined. It will change Humanity, and place it under a system of control which does not hold your best interest in any esteem whatsoever. How will this happen? People will agree to it. But more than that, they will demand it. How does one stop what appears to be a runaway train? The voices are censored, but powerful none the

Rocket’s Red Glare

My Father worked on the weapons delivery systems for the Defense department. He would have terrible nightmares. So I grew up with all of the information regarding what occurs in a  worst case scenario of a nuclear detonation. The knowledge acquired was probably what drove my love of Science and caused me to at one point, major in Bioscience. I have never stopped learning. None of us should. That cold handshake was what pointed me back to nature, and my current philosophy and knowledge of God. I learned that fear is a mind killer and knowledge leads to Hope and

Ventura Groans

The following was written to me by Dr Ed Brenegar, who heads up the Community of Leaders It was written in reference to a close look I am taking at the Ventura City Council’s decision to implement pay parking in my town. What at first glance, was described to be a rather benign plan to regulate business traffic in downtown, quickly became rather apparent, to instead be a near Draconian attempt, based on poor business decisions and supposition, to change my town forever. I have people I am accountable to, and advised by. Ed is one of those advisors. This


Art of the Scam

Twitter blocked this article on Masking (Pretty thorough Dr. Mercola article) And they pushed this outrageous action by Yelp: John Stossel nailed it here: What we are experiencing goes far deeper than George Orwell or Aldous Huxley ever could have

Rocket’s Red Glare

My Father worked on the weapons delivery systems for the Defense department. He would have terrible nightmares. So I grew up with all of the information regarding what occurs in a  worst case scenario of a nuclear detonation. The knowledge

Ventura Groans

The following was written to me by Dr Ed Brenegar, who heads up the Community of Leaders It was written in reference to a close look I am taking at the Ventura City Council’s decision to implement pay parking in