

I  know who I am. So I recognize those traits that resemble mine, in my colleagues and friends. This creates a deep affinity with those people who I repeatedly refer to as Savants. Check the definition below. savant |saˈvänt; sə-| noun a learned person, esp. a distinguished scientist. See also idiot savant . ORIGIN early 18th cent.: French, literally ‘knowing (person),’ present participle (used as a noun) of savoir. I was pleased and honored when one of those, a certain Sean Davey, showed up at my door in Ventura, California. Sean is a Tasmanian born, Hawaii ensconsed photographer whose work


idealism |īˈdē(ə)ˌlizəm| noun 1 the practice of forming or pursuing ideals, esp. unrealistically : the idealism of youth. Compare with realism . • (in art or literature) the representation of things in ideal or idealized form. Often contrasted with realism (sense 2). We all judge everything and everybody. We really do. It is in our nature as independent beings which, due to our manifest destiny, were created to be able to function autonomously. My perspective on life is very Ocean Centric. It is in my DNA,  in the ancestry from which I descended, and is a part of the heritage



I  know who I am. So I recognize those traits that resemble mine, in my colleagues and friends. This creates a deep affinity with those people who I repeatedly refer to as Savants. Check the definition below. savant |saˈvänt; sə-|


idealism |īˈdē(ə)ˌlizəm| noun 1 the practice of forming or pursuing ideals, esp. unrealistically : the idealism of youth. Compare with realism . • (in art or literature) the representation of things in ideal or idealized form. Often contrasted with realism