A Linchpin Sonnet

A Linchpin Sonnet


As my little ocean flavored world, rocked with continued news that only seemed to worsen, I watched and listened, as response from Government and Environmental groups created what amounted to an untenable clamor. Finger pointing, conflict, polarization, but no success, occurred in fixing the massive calamity of the Horizon well head blowout.

Enviro groups squared off and did what they do: point fingers. Oil Execs circled wagons. Everyone calling for Justice. There was a hole in the Gulf seabed. The Ocean was dying.

Then Seth’s note popped up, about creating a meeting of our peers. A Linchpin meeting. It was followed in short order by a few quotations from Jacques Cousteau found in the course of my regular work study.

I realized, in pondering the two very positive tones of Cousteau and Seth, that the clamor of adversarialism had grown so loud, no one could hear what message was softly, quietly being sung.

The world was missing the point.  Again.

“It takes generosity to discover the whole through others. If you realize you are only a violin, you can open yourself up to the world by playing your role in the concert.”

Jacques Yves Cousteau

Art is Life is Art
Art is Life is Art

My girlfriend, Donna Von Hoesslin, had immediately launched herself into the task of herding cats, that is getting a group of independently creative people together, into a succinct point in the space and time continuum, for no other apparent reason, than to connect personally.  Seth, being an excellent common thread, along with his new book Linchpin, which most of the invitees would have no doubt read, or at the least heard of, created the necessary catalyst.

On Monday, in Ventura California, our Linchpin meeting took place at a grand  old venue, that is an Historic Landmark in Ventura, and is now known as Candlelight. Historic and Light. Made perfect sense to hold a Linchpin meeting there.

Garner, who manages Candlelight, had even created, along with Donna, a Linchpin cocktail, which was a citrus flavored, somewhat tart, refreshing concoction served in a martini glass.

Donna the Linchpin
Donna the Linchpin

Fifteen minutes into Linchpin 2010, Donna did the spoon to cocktail glass bell call, and our group gathered together in a big circle in the large cocktail lounge, I had found myself standing next to a seated Colin Black chatting about Waterpolo. As the circle of people began to introduce themselves Colin whispered “Oh God, I am the last one. I am going to have to stand up.” At 6’8”, Colin is tall when seated.

The intros gave us a sense of perspective. Funny thing about Linchpins, none of us is boring, and the things which everyone spoke on, were a blend of hilarity and inspiration. You could see connection beginning. But as in all settings of this sort, it was not without a little tension. Groups can be like that, no matter what they contain.

As the turns swung round to myself and Colin, I simply stepped on the other side of him, thereby removing him from the obligation of being last. He looked relieved. And as 6’8” stood next to 5’5” (me) and Colin introduced himself, something occurred to me. Many of us are so self conscious we fail to consider that we are made to fulfill a purpose.

So as Colin wrapped up, and it became my turn to speak, I did something laterally, and decided to break group convention and protocol, by simply resting my head against Colin’s side. The elevation difference created a burst of laughter and I then chatted about what I would like to have happen as a result of our connecting. “I would like to see you all succeed. That is why I am here.” I could feel the room relax.

Minutes later, we had gathered together on a big bed outside and snapped a photo or two. It was my double entendre message, that image. Our group: Law Enforcement, City Leaders, Chefs, Content Creators, Business People, Corporate heads, Sustainability specialists, what an amazing group of leaders who exemplified a vast cross section of culture. Many change the world in the course of their work, and were all in bed together.  Right there. Connected.  Everyone mattered on their own merit. But as a group, the potential became something immeasurable and vast.

Jim and Kat and Donna and Joey Briglio
Jim and Kat and Donna and Joey Briglio

The world in which we exist will always offer plenty of personal challenges, but it is only in stepping outside of ourselves, connecting, and collaborating, that we will find true, sustainable solutions. If we choose to do that, watch the solutions flow.

Future Perfect
Future Perfect

It could even save the ocean. We can do that. Us.

 Open Invitation
Open Invitation

You can purchase the book Linchpin here.

Seth Godin’s Blog is here.

Start being the change this world needs today. Link arms. Collaborate.

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Ziona Etzion

You group stands out and has spirit.

Love the connectivity.

Looking forward to hearing more about the
activities that you do as a group.

Love Linchpin and admire Seth.


Ed Brenegar

There are just a few places in the world that I’d chose to live besides where I am in NC. Italy, Montana, and now Ventura. What a blessed place it is to have people like you all there. I hope that you all succeed in your endeavors to make a place that makes a difference that matters.

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In Pursuit of God’s Glory

You may find this read from Gary Sharpe valuable. The comments thread is excellent. People are thinking. At least some are: https://garysharpe.substack.com/p/are-we-no-longer-just-consumers-but Donna and I


In Pursuit of the Good

This dropped in as I was finishing loading my two trauma kits today. https://www.eugyppius.com/p/from-sore-arms-to-sudden-death?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoyMTQ4MTQ1MiwicG9zdF9pZCI6NDk4Nzk5MzEsIl8iOiJqc3VMayIsImlhdCI6MTY0Njc0NzEwMywiZXhwIjoxNjQ2NzUwNzAzLCJpc3MiOiJwdWItMjY4NjIxIiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.S0YuBcQgsdu3fi5YiaJok2ixSSMmPrxnL91T7DT_q8Q&s=r It really struck me, because I maintain my emergency medical supply


Fear Not

https://www.dailywire.com/news/russias-rt-america-to-cease-production-lays-off-staff?%3Futm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=dwtwitter This will not end well. All of these companies mentioned in the article just likely put us in greater jeopardy. Easy to see who