
Love and Trustedness

Maybe it is the full moon which hangs sagging slowly through a clear western sky which has me awake at 3am working. But I suspect that it may be something else. It always cracks me up, when as I am sorting through the variety of large and complex projects which are the melange of companies I get to help shepherd, that a blog invariably pops in from Seth Godin. This one, (as usual) was exactly about what I am working on today. Creating trust. He titles it: Belief is More Powerful Than Truth. I am a strong believer in Strategic

The Morning After (Veterans Day)

I did not do my customary blog entry on Veterans Day yesterday. To be honest, it was more out of embarrassment, than anything else. As everyone went about engaging the socially acceptable platitude of “Thanking a Veteran”,  I could not help but be very uncomfortable by what I have been watching happen to our Veterans in recent years. The day as a holiday yesterday, made me even more miserable about being an American. It is no secret, nor is it news in any way, that War is waged on the backs of our youth. That the Political Will, embedded in


Love and Trustedness

Maybe it is the full moon which hangs sagging slowly through a clear western sky which has me awake at 3am working. But I suspect that it may be something else. It always cracks me up, when as I am

The Morning After (Veterans Day)

I did not do my customary blog entry on Veterans Day yesterday. To be honest, it was more out of embarrassment, than anything else. As everyone went about engaging the socially acceptable platitude of “Thanking a Veteran”,  I could not